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Welcome to Sabine G Holistics Bibliotek

This is where we house stories about what we love, believe in, and feel inspired by in greater depth and dimension. Please join us.


IN A SLUMP? Here's how to get your spring back

If you are not jumping out of bed singing and dancing - don't worry, you are not alone.

It is officially Spring Day today. It is time to shake off the winter blues, and shed lock down pounds. But if you are still wanting to pull the duvet over your head and are struggling this year to find the energy, here is one way to get joy from the inside out. If you are anything like me, words of praise lift my spirits immediately and give me an internal boost of energy. I'm just a sucker for words of affirmation (5 love languages). So to get out of the physical slump and write yourself a personal declaration. Take time out to write down all the amazing positive aspects of who you are. Add traits that define you, your dreams, your goals, your victories and successes. You’ll be amazed once you are done how positive and good you will feel about yourself. Read your personal declaration as often as you need a reminder and a boost of internal fire. Declare life into your life.

I have added my personal declaration that I wrote years ago, just to give an example. Yours will look completely different as you are on a different path. Take note that there are specific areas, such as 'always completing what I’ve started', that I have not mastered yet. So I choose to declare that change over my life. You may want to do the same, add traits that you positively want to change.

I am a Virtuous woman with gentle Strength and enduring Love. God's Peace guards my heart and my mind. I'm a woman of Integrity and of strong Faith. The Spirit of Truth flows through my veins.

Everything I do, I do with passion and to its full potential. Always completing what I've started.

I will stand up for those who cannot speak and help those who have been oppressed.

I am a child of The Light and not of darkness. My light will shine into the dark places of this world - NEVER to be snuffed out. I don't have a spirit of fear and don't look upon man for approval.

I am a responsible woman, using my voice with maturity, knowing I have a rightful place in this world.

I have compassion and understanding for all people and never judge.

I am a woman with amazing creative talents. I am anointed and have many gifts that I use daily in my ministry. I make every moment of my day count and never overlook the Joy there is in the small things.

I have an abundance of Love, Finances and Health. I possess all 9 Fruits of the Spirit and grow deeper into God's character daily.

I don't allow the devil to use my mind, my body or my emotions for his purpose.

I am always a positive encourager. Never breaking anyone down. I live my calling out with energy and confidence. Standing firm in my freedom. Free to Love and Worship. To trust with no fear of rejection or of being hurt.


Spring is awaiting for you to join in to the celebration of new life. Go ahead and write yours down. Lift yourself up, nobody else can truly love you like you can and before you know it, you will have a positive internal glow that filters to your physical self.

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