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Spa & Wellness Treatments

The Sabine G Holistics line is a ritualistic range of flower and herb-based skincare, formulated with impeccably sourced, highly vibrant whole plants picked at their peak for unmatched transparency, purity, and results. Firmly rooted in the principles and practices of mindfully sourced beauty, Sabine’s first and most critical relationship is with our Earth. Her exclusive partnerships with local artisan farmers ensure the highest quality and most stringent transparency. Their mutual commitment to only 100% raw, unrefined plant materials guarantees unparalleled freshness and efficacy. Sabine believes beauty should be a loving self care practice that begins and ends with attention to the present moment, sensations, and thoughts aka mindfullness.

Our commitment to your total well-being is evidenced by what is in each bottle, and what isn’t. In addition to being free of alcohol and fillers, Sabine G Holistics is adamant about product purity. As a protector of Nature in all forms, Sabine refuses to use any harmful or questionable ingredients often found in skincare – carcinogens, hormone disruptors, or synthetic fragrances. It is our belief that these ingredients can possibly do long-term damage to the skin, the body and the planet that we are not yet capable of comprehending.


Our raw, unrefined whole plant ingredients contain hundreds of antioxidant variations, vitamins, and nutrients. We believe no man-made ingredients can compare to the delicate, intricate, and powerful science of Nature. The results whole plants can deliver when they are truly unaltered is transformational. Lab-made ingredients are only ever mimicking what Nature has already mastered, and we find them completely unnecessary.


Sabine G Holistics was created with holistic spas, stores and aestheticians in mind, who believe in the power of pure nature. Offering the complexity to support customized, results-driven facials, yet intuitive enough to invite slow farmed beauty rituals at home. Our mindful beauty rituals can take years off the mind, body, and spirit, not only the skin.

Herbal Radiance Treatment


Offer mindful, intentional herbal facials with our full range of antioxidant, vitamin enriched pureness of Nature. Enhance the Holistic wellbeing of your clients with beauty rituals beginning with Organic Botanical Steams and herbal teas, dedicated to connect nature to mind, body and Spirit.

Botanical Bliss


Boost your treatments and add our Limited Edition Fynbos Honey as a cleanser, stand alone mask or added to our Organic Nami Cacao Mask for an ultra indulging extreme hydration mask with nourishing collagen boosting enzymes. 

Gua Sha Facelift & Lymph Drainage

Create a deeply personalized gua sha massage with client specific oil serum and one of the four natural stones:

AMETHYST - The Stone of Tranquillity

JADE - The Stone of Youth

ROSE QUARTZ - The Stone of Love


CLEAR QUARTZ - The Stone of Clarity

Mental Clarity


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